
The Vault of Mini Things - An RPG Encounter Toolkit

Created by TinkerHouse Games

The Vault of Mini Things is a comprehensive full-color minis and terrain solution for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Blades in the Dark, Five Leagues from the Borderlands, Frostgrave, and other fantasy tabletop games. The Vault of Mini Things contains vast wonders, but it’s much more than a simple box. It’s a thoughtfully designed organization system, sized for convenient storage and transport. *Note: Shipping will be charged later on — we will notify you when we've added shipping fees/before we charge you for shipping*

Latest Updates from Our Project:

20 - Vault au Naturale
11 months ago – Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 06:54:43 PM

Happy ongoing holiday season, Vaulters! This update is a celebration of nature. It does not require any action on your part. That said, as a reminder: if you have not yet completed your Backerkit Survey for your pledge, please do so.

PAX Unplugged
TinkerHouse Games will be showing up in force to PAX Unplugged! We'll have our biggest booth ever--20 feet by 20 feet--with all of our terrain on sale at convention-discounted prices. We'll also have a mockup of the Vault of Mini Things on display, as well as some art-proof mockups of walls, tiles, and standees. Badges for PAX Unplugged are still available as of this writing, so if you'd like to experience the best three days of tabletop gaming this December 1-3 in Philadelphia, PA: register for the show today!

Marshall Art

Marshall's proud to present some furry friends large and small. 

Vault Ventures

This section is a narrative of the community-chosen adventuring band, as detailed in Update 18. Its purpose is to show the Vault used for actual play, and entertain backers over the course of product development and production. 

Remme - Human Circle of the Shepherd Druid
Votun - Warforged Battlemaster Fighter
Grecken - Gnome Assassin Rogue
Elora Damn-ed - Archfey Pact of the Tome Warlock

When last we saw our heroes, they’d gone into the woods to hunt down an infamous haunted cemetery–but instead became the prey of the unhallowed burial ground. Faced with a ravenous horde of cursed undead, the Vaulter community decided our heroes would rally around Remme and protect him while he attempted a Druidic ritual…

Ritual de lo Druidical
Amidst the eerie glow of the moonlight filtering through the skeletal branches, the party rallied to defend Remme as he began the druidic ritual. Votun, the warforged, stepped into a leadership role, barking tactical orders that cut through the chaos of the undead onslaught. Grecken danced with her twin daggers, a whirlwind of steel that cut down the horde wherever it encroached while Elora channeled arcane energies to fend off the relentless advance.

Remme, in the center of this maelstrom, focused on his ritual, drawing upon the ancient magic of the land. The air crackled with energy as vines erupted from the ground, entwining the skeletal forms of the undead, slowing their relentless march. Yet, in the rush to defend against the horde, the ritual was completed with an unsettling haste.

The air thickened with an ominous tension as Remme's magic manifested. The avatar of nature he summoned was not the benevolent spirit of renewal he anticipated. Instead, emerging from the twisted energy, a malevolent and capricious figure materialized—the sinister Krampus himself!

It’s beginning to look a lot like KRAMPUS

As Krampus materialized, a twisted smirk on his horned visage, the party found themselves in a desperate struggle to protect the faltering Remme. Votun, ever the efficient tactician, directed the group with precision, exploiting the chaotic terrain of the cemetery to create chokepoints and provide cover. The clash of steel against bone reverberated through the night as Grecken and Elora fended off the relentless undead while shielding Remme from the chaotic swings of Krampus.

The battle escalated into a cataclysmic spectacle. Krampus, fueled by the corrupted magic of the cemetery, tore through the undead hordes surrounding him with terrible efficacy, sending splinters of bone and gobs of decaying flesh against the marble and iron walls of the Abattoir of Avarice. The party dodged through the tombstones, trying to stay ahead of the unstoppable force that was Krampus.

Amidst the devastation, a colossal grave golem lumbered forth to challenge the malevolent spirit. A titanic clash ensued, with Krampus and the golem smashing through crypts and tombstones, sending debris from shattered crypts and the splintered remains of sarcophagi flying through the air. Votun led the party into cover, then popped his head back up to analyze the respective capabilities, strengths and weaknesses of the giant combatants. Whoever wins is who they'll have to deal with. As he observed the combat he couldn't help but compare the golem's composition of wood, iron, and stone to his own body. Such a powerful form, devoted entirely to mindless destruction. The warforged's mechanical eyes flicked down to his hand, securely gripping the hilt of his well-tended and well-used blade. The eyes blinked, then flicked back to the fight.

The brawlers lurched into a tall mausoleum, bursting through the iron doors and bringing the roof down in a cacophony of splintering slate. As the dust swirled, a single hulking body slowly rose from the rubble. Then it threw its head back in a triumphant cackle, and the full moon silhouetted within the mist the horned form of Krampus. Remme, delirious and drained from the corrupted ritual, slumped to the ground, his magical connection with Krampus faltering.

Trick or Treat?

Silence descended upon the ravaged cemetery as Krampus turned to fully face the party. The twisted figure surveyed the destruction surrounding him, his eyes gleaming with malevolent delight. The party, battered but resilient, exchanged a quick conversation about their next move.

"Is he under our control?" Votun questioned, eyeing Krampus warily. "Or is he another pawn of the cemetery?"

Elora, her gaze fixed on the capricious figure, remarked, "Perhaps he has his own agenda, independent of our commands."

Grecken spared a moment to glare at Remme, "Well that was one hell of a magicking, Druid. You’ve brought us a powerful ally... or a formidable foe."

The party stood at a crossroads, unsure of the true nature of Krampus and the implications of his presence. With uncertainty hanging in the air, the adventurers faced a pivotal decision. What shall be their next move in this haunting tale?

Choice 1: Attempt to Control Krampus - Utilize Remme's druidic powers to assert control over Krampus, hoping to bend the malevolent spirit to their will.
Choice 2: Parley with the Devil - Engage in a dialogue with Krampus, seeking to understand his motives and intentions, hoping to discern whether he is an ally or a foe.
Choice 3: Seize the (and roll for) Initiative - Immediately attack before Krampus can regain his strength, choosing aggression over uncertain alliances.

The fate of our heroes rests once again in the hands of our esteemed backers. Make your choice via the poll associated with this Update, and let the story unfold in the next chapter of The Vault of Mini Things' iconic adventures!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall

19 - Vault of Terror
12 months ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 04:39:24 PM

19 - Vault of Terror

Happy Halloween, Vaulters! This spooktacular update of art and kickoff of the adventures of our iconic Vault characters does not require any action on your part. 

Marshall Art

We've got two spooky creatures to chill your bones for this October update: an ethereal Banshee and a bone-crunching Grimlock.


Vault Ventures 

This section is a narrative of the community-chosen adventuring band, as detailed in Update 18. Its purpose is to showcase the Vault as used for actual play, and entertain backers over the course of product development and production. 

Remme - Human Circle of the Shepherd Druid
Votun - Warforged Battlemaster Fighter
Grecken - Gnome Assassin Rogue
Elora Damn-ed - Archfey Pact of the Tome Warlock

Our iconic adventurers have gathered around a table in cozy tavern in an unfamiliar town. The inn is comfortable but costly, and funds have run low. 

As the four friends sipped their drinks and savored the warmth of the hearth, the tavern began to fill with the lively chatter of locals, their voices alight with excitement about an upcoming holiday—a time to honor the dead. This celebration, they overheard, was a blend of remembrance and spooky tales, meant to remind the children of very real dangers lurking beyond the borders of civilization.

Intrigued, the party listened intently as a local bard, draped in dark attire and a garishly painted leather festival mask, took the stage. As the tavern hushed in anticipation, the bard began to weave a chilling fable, one that sent shivers down their spines:

The Tale of The Abattoir of Avarice

In a time long past, in the outskirts of the long-abandoned city whose ruins form the foundations of this town, there lay a cemetery so sinister, it came to be known as “The Abattoir of Avarice." Originally called “Elysium of the Elite” and reserved exclusively for the wealthy and influential, it was a necropolis of those who had it all, yet for all their power could not acquire the one thing money could not buy: life itself.

Not that that stopped them from trying. Strange visitors from lands beyond the edge of maps were brought into town, at exorbitant expense. They brought with them even stranger devices, and exotic materials, and the notion that what cannot be bought might yet be stolen. Over the ensuing years the town gained a reputation for peace and order. At first, the townsfolk celebrated how the local constabulary seemed to be more vigorously rounding up bandits and criminals. The streets were cleared of beggars and thieves. Then they began to comment on how travelers seen entering town tended to not be seen leaving. And that those who took ill, and were taken to the High Houses for treatment by the nobles’ physicians, seldom returned.

Whispers in the night spoke of forbidden rites performed by the aristocrats. Yet even these dark sacrifices could not satiate their unholy hunger. Travelers and merchants began to avoid the town. Desperation took root, and the nobles turned to openly abducting local villagers and even their own servants to prolong their wretched existence.

The commoners could bear this wickedness no longer, and on a night much like tonight, they rose in revolt. With fury and vengeance they unleashed their wrath upon every noble in the city, and cast their lifeless bodies into a mass grave within Elysium. The once-opulent cemetery was sealed, abandoned, and erased from all maps. The estates and their contents were put to the torch. When word of the revolt reached the capital city the King’s Justice fell swiftly, and the empty city fell into ruin.

Some claim this story is naught but a legend, an exaggeration spun over the years to terrify children. Others, however, whisper that the tales are real. They say that the Abattoir of Avarice became a harbinger of doom as the souls of the rich nobles, ruined by insatiable greed and covetousness, seeped their malevolence into the very soil. And that on a night like this, those who wander too far at night become prey for the insatiable spirits that still hunger for more life.

The Hunt Begins

The story told, the adventurers engaged in a spirited debate. Votun, his tone blunt, expressed their financial woes and raised the unsettling notion that the wealthy, much like the nobles in the tale, might have taken their riches to their graves. Elora, appalled, couldn't fathom disturbing the deceased, but Grechen pointed out the futility of gold lying with the dead when they, the living, had needs for it.

Remme suggested that gold or no gold, such a place was a dangerous blight upon the land. With a collective nod, the party resolved to determine the truth of the story.

The party spent a frustrating morning attempting to uncover more information about the cemetery or its location. With seemingly little to show for it, the party took a late lunch to discuss next steps.

“I spoke with a pair of mercenaries traveling from the East, heading West tomorrow. They have not seen anything matching the description of the cemetery we seek.” Votun said. “I also spoke with a tinker traveling the opposite way, on the return leg of his seasonal route. In all his years of travel through this region, he has never seen anything like the Abattoir of Avarice.”

“I wonder where the mercenaries were coming from?” Elora asked. “Is there a war nearby?”

Grecken grouched, “There’s always a war, child.”

“They came from Heston, in the province of Kharan” Votun said.

“Helton is well North of here,” Remme said. “Going West would take those mercenaries through rocky terrain. The forest to the north is dense, but even so, would be a much better route.”

“That may be, but there is no road to the North” Votun pointed out.

“No, there isn’t…” Remme mused. “This tinker, was Heston his destination?”


“And he’s been traveling his route for years?”

“He said so. I see no reason why he would lie to me.”

Remme looked thoughtfully toward the North. “And I see no reason why this town and Heston should not have built a direct road through yonder wood. It’s not much, but it’s something.”

Grecken cocked an eyebrow in disbelief. “Remme, you think you’re the first person to figure out that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line? There could be any number of reasons for that road to not exist. There would be a good tavern along the Western way. There could be an important crossroads. These humans could just be lazy!”

“I agree, there could be many reasons.” Remme stood up. “Let us go amongst the people, and ask.” 

As it turned out, not a single villager had a clear answer for why there were no roads–or even trails–heading North out of town. Elora wondered aloud, “But if they don’t have a good reason for why they haven’t built a road, and it’s so obvious that a road would be beneficial, why not just… build it?” 

“Because tradition can be more than a guide,” answered Remme. “It can be a jailor. These people have avoided those woods for so long, they’re probably not even aware that they’re avoiding them. It simply never occurs to them to head directly North, especially with such a well-traveled route West.” He pursed his lips, then nodded to himself. “Yes. I think it’s time we go for a hike.”

Elora squinted up at the sun, well past noon. “But, Remme, aren’t we losing the light?” 

Remme laughed. “Oh, don’t worry child. Druids don’t get lost in the woods!”

They got lost in the woods. It happened slowly. The party’s initial foray made good time, and they swiftly put miles between them and the village. The ground was firm and the old growth left little opportunity for ground scrub. It also let precious little light through the canopy, such that it was difficult to determine the passage of time. It wasn’t until Elora saw Remme squinting to and fro, in apparent confusion, that she realized the light had dimmed to an extent that his human eyes were finding it difficult to see. Finally, with a sigh and a whispered word,, the druid instantiated a ball of green flame in his open hand. 

Grecken sidled up. “What’s the matter old man? Lost the path?”

“That’s why we’re here, Grecken–there ARE no paths.” Remme cast his gaze back and forth, and couldn’t help but notice that the green glow and dancing shadows from his flame brought not cheer, but instead imparted a ghastly look upon the wood. “Despite my best efforts, I can’t seem to get the lay of this confounding land. It seems I have not been able to find our quarry. It’s almost like the cemetery doesn’t want to be found.”

Votun stomped closer to the light. The green flame turned his armored body into gleaming emerald. “A cemetery is not alive. It cannot want.”

“No, of course not,” Remme said. “Well, we’ve lost the light. Let’s get out of this wood and try again in the morning.”

It soon became clear that was easier said than done. A ground mist arose, further limiting the sight of even those with Darkvision. The trees seemed to grow closer together, and the party found itself backtracking when the foliage grew so close as to form a wall. The fog thickened. “And now we’re in an area with groundcover.” Remme thought to himself, as he saw vague shapes, low to the ground, to his left and right. “We didn’t come through this way… I truly have lost our quarry.” 

The druid extended his hand to caress the viney growth, but recoiled in sudden pain. Instead of pliable plant, he encountered sharp metal. A brief lull in the fog revealed a twisted fence of jagged black iron. The word “quarry” ran through his mind yet again. “My friends… I took you into these woods for a hunt,” the druid said, with growing alarm. “But I believe it is we who are being hunted.”

The mist parted to reveal a pair of stacked stone towers, spawning ironwork fencing left and right to the limit of their sight. A ruined gate was cast down between the pillars. Beyond was a wide expanse of open ground, seething with ground fog and strewn with tombstones. Larger crypts and sarcophagi loomed out of the mist throughout the unhallowed grounds.

Votun’s armored visage swept left to right. He then strode three steps forward, and turned around to address his companions. “We have found it, or it has found us. It matters not. We are here. We will go within, and we will overcome whatever threats await. Together.” The warforged’s words emboldened the party, and practiced hands confidently gripped blade, staff, and orb. Votun turned, set his shield, and marched through the gate.

The mist roiled in apparent response to the intrusion, then settled. The party moved steadily forward. And then, all at once: a cacophony of grating stone as dozens of marble lids slid open. To their left, a small hill came tumbling down as its mass of occupants clawed their way through to the surface. 

Choices in the Mist

Faced with a desperate battle against the ravenous undead, the group is forced to make a choice:

Choice 1: Ritual de lo Habitual - Form up and protect Remme, and push to the heart of the cemetery where he can perform a ritual of purification to dispel its malevolent presence.

Choice 2: Crypt Keepers - Dash towards a nearby crypt with an open door, where the party could defend the narrow entrance and limit the advantage of numbers.

Choice 3: Run To the Hills - Flee into the dense woods, where the undergrowth would disperse the undead horde, offering a chance at escape.

The fate of our heroes lies in your hands, dear backers. Choose wisely, and together, we'll continue to uncover the next thrilling chapter of The Vault of Mini Things' iconic adventures!

18 - Project updates, meet the Band!
about 1 year ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 03:33:10 PM

This mid-month update shares some notable works-in-progress, including new art and Dungeons & Dragons 5e character sheets for our winners of the Battle of the Bands. No action required.

Marshall Art

Marshall’s recovered from PAX and is hard at work bringing the creatures of the Vault to life. Or a mockery of life, as the case may be.

"You've all gathered at the local tavern..."

They say “never meet your heroes”, but we say “but what if youdo? In this very update?” We’ve worked up complete 5th level character sheets for each of the members of the band of heroes the community selected in the Battle of the Bands (Update 16). But before we properly introduce them let’s start with a bit of Boxed Text–in accordance with the Old Ways:

As the tavern's door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior hazy with the scent of ale and the sound of boisterous laughter, your eyes are inexplicably drawn to a corner table bathed in an aura of intrigue. At its center sat a curious quartet, each a distinct embodiment of the fantastical world that surrounded them.

Grecken, a female gnome with a mischievous glint in her eye, reclined comfortably on her seat, her dark leather armor accentuating her petite frame. Twin daggers rested within easy reach, one on each hip, their pommels ornate with intricate carvings. Her raven-black hair cascaded like a shadowy waterfall, framing her soft, rounded features.

Next to her, an older human named Remme leaned thoughtfully on his gnarled walking stick, the lines of wisdom etched deep into his face. He wore robes of earthy green, attuned to the rhythms of the natural world, a stark contrast to the bustling tavern around him. Salt-and-pepper hair crowned his head, and his dark skin bore the wisdom of countless seasons.

Votun, the towering warforged, radiated an imposing presence. Gleaming plate armor encased his formidable frame, while a massive sword rested against his chair, its blade polished to a mirror-like sheen. A round shield leaned against the table, bearing the scars of past battles. His glowing blue eyes, unblinking and vigilant, surveyed the room, a silent guardian in the midst of revelry.

Seated opposite Votun was Elora, a striking tiefling with crimson skin, whose formidable horns twisted majestically from her brow. Her red and black robes whispered of arcane power, and a skull-tipped staff stood by her side, exuding an aura of ominous mystique. An eyepatch concealed one of her eyes, lending an air of enigma to her presence.

The quartet appeared deeply engrossed in conversation, their voices blending with the tavern's din. Grecken's hands animatedly gestured as she spoke, her eyes twinkling with wily humor. Remme's expression was one of thoughtful concern, his weathered hand resting on his walking stick. Votun maintained a stoic vigilance, occasionally nodding in agreement. Elora, her single eye focused intently, punctuated their discourse with cryptic insights.

Amidst the mirth and merry-making of the tavern's patrons, this unusual group exuded an air of purpose, as though they were bound together by a shared quest or destiny, their presence a testament to the extraordinary tapestry of the world they inhabited.

Grecken, gnome rogue (Assassin)

One fateful day, while exploring a hidden underground chamber, Grecken stumbled upon an inert warforged, its metallic form devoid of life. The innate curiosity that drove her rogue's heart led her to tirelessly tinker and restore the warforged, whom she affectionately named Votun 967. Whether it was a spark of gratitude from the rekindled construct, a latent sense of loyalty in its programming, or perhaps even an unspoken friendship that bound them, Votun 967 chose to follow Grecken as she ventured forth into the world. 

Curious about her enigmatic companion's origins, Grecken sought out a sometime-client/sometime-customer named Remme who was renowned for possessing knowledge beyond the borders of civilization. To her surprise, she found Remme accompanied by a fellow foundling, Elora. Recognizing the strength that came from pooling their talents and resources, the two pairs decided to unite their fates and embark on a shared adventure, determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding their wards and to explore the endless opportunities that lay ahead.

Grecken does not suffer fools, dispute her understanding that she's the only person on the planet that doesn't qualify as such. She never saw much distinction between plundering an ancient tomb or plundering a pristine mansion, and over the years recognized that it's healthier and more lucrative to serve as middleman for the goods procured by like-minded entrepreneurs. Her bond with Votun 967 and growing friendship with Remme have recently caused her to re-think her priorities.

Travelling with Grecken means travelling with a nonstop litany of foul-mouthed observations about the world. The constant patter is seemingly an odd character trait for a rogue, but she has the ability to hold her tongue and switch to an internal monologue for brief periods of time. Her Assassin skills are more about maximizing efficiency than indulging in bloodthirsty headhunting. Her rough exterior does not hide a heart of gold; Grecken is every bit the irritable opportunist she presents as. The sole exceptions for her ire are her traveling companions. She's fascinated by and protective of Votun, respects Remme's commitment, and knows that whatever's going with Elora, it'll be BIG.

Voyun 967, warforged fighter (Battle Master)
Votun 967 has only vague memories of his past life serving as an archaeologist's research assistant and bodyguard. Which is ironic, since his inert form was unearthed by Grecken in the ruins of an ancient tomb complex. Votun 967 took an instant liking to his rescuer--even though she initially wanted to sell him as parts--and his reliably optimistic demeanor is a necessary counter to her dour moods. He dutifully follows her lead in day-to-day matters, though he often has to step in to softly smooth things over when the grouchy gnome's sharp tongue lands the group in hot water. In matters of battle the dynamic switches, and his booming voice commands the entire group.

Votun 967 likes to begin each day by inspiring his allies with a recounting of a heroic myth (spending Superiority dice on Rally), then planning a route to their next destination while the others make breakfast and handle other morning biological functions (take a Short Rest to recover Superiority dice). His towering bulk and gleaming armor help him impress his will over social obstacles (Commanding Presence maneuver). In battle he interposes his armored form to protect his band (Interception style) and knocks foes to the ground (Trip maneuver) to make them easier for Grecken and the rest of his band to dispatch.

Remme, human druid (Circle of the Shepherd)
Remme's upbringing was an unconventional one, shaped by the rugged wilderness where he was born as an outlander. From a young age, he immersed himself in the teachings of the Old Ways, absorbing the ancient druidic traditions that connected him intimately with the natural world. While charisma might not have been his strong suit, Remme's wisdom shone brightly, earning him the role of emissary when his tribe required interaction with the outside world for trade. It was during one of these expeditions that he first crossed paths with Grecken, a gnome rogue with a sharp wit and a knack for surviving in the urban jungle. She was abrasive, but also seemed to be the one "civilized" person who was completely honest with herself. For her part, she seemed to appreciate his unfettered viewpoints and complete lack of desire for material wealth. Over the years, a deep and unspoken bond formed between them, and each found themselves looking forward to the time when the changing of the seasons caused their paths to cross. 

But fate took a cruel turn when Remme was plagued by nightmarish visions foretelling disaster. Returning from one such trade mission, he arrived to find his tribe and home reduced to ruins, leaving him in a desolate wilderness of grief. Remme wandered aimlessly for weeks, drowning his sorrows in drink, until a twist of fate intervened. It was in his bleakest moment that he stumbled upon Elora, a mysterious tiefling, in dire need of his protection. Rescuing her from imminent danger breathed new life into Remme's weary spirit, igniting a renewed sense of purpose. 

Recognizing that the Archfey sending a Tiefling agent into the world right at this time could be no coincidence, Remme reached out to his trusted friend Grecken for advice only to discover that she, too, had taken a foundling under her wing. United by their shared commitment to unraveling the mysteries surrounding their respective wards Grecken and Remme set out on a quest to identify the looming threat and, with any luck, thwart the dark future that continued to haunt the druid's sleep.

Remme actively tries to balance his nightmarish evenings by with with a positive attitude during the day. He makes an effort to be kind and generous, and set a good example for his sometimes amoral companions, desperately hoping that these efforts will push back against his dark visions. He leans heavily on Grecken, who for her part tries to save Remme from negativity by collecting it all onto herself. Remme is fascinated by Votun, as it's indisputably alive and yet indisputably artificial. And Elora, representing her lost human family, her found fey family, and her unique tiefling self, has firmly taken the place of his lost tribe. The weary druid shepherds them all toward an uncertain future, yet he's confident their tight bond will see them through. In combat the druid used Create Bonfire and Thornwhip to shape the battlefield to Votun's liking, and to pull enemies away from Grecken or Elora if they get pinned. Out of combat Remme enjoys using his druid powers to explore the area, confound enemies, and bolster allies.

Elora Damn-ed, tiefling warlock (Archfey pact) 
Elora Damn-ed's origins are shrouded in mystery, beginning with her abduction as an infant by capricious fey creatures who were initially fascinated by her otherworldly tiefling heritage. Raised as a captivating enigma within the ethereal realms of the Feywild, she yearned for a connection that transcended her mere existence as a curiosity. It was this profound longing that led her to seek communion with the Archfey, a being of boundless power and whimsy. The Archfey, intrigued by Elora's unique lineage and her yearning for true purpose, saw an opportunity for their own amusement and granted her the pact of warlockhood, thus intertwining their fates in a dance of mutual intrigue and mischief.

Her adventure in the Prime Material plane almost ended as soon as it began, when she sought refuge in a borderlands village as a bewildered newcomer from the Feywild. It was there that a group of suspicious villagers, mistrustful of her exotic appearance and far-fetched origin, surrounded Elora with palpable hostility. Just when violence seemed imminent, Remme emerged from a nearby outfitter's shop and quickly used his druidic powers to diffuse the tension and shield her from harm. Sensing in Elora a vulnerable soul in need of guidance and kinship, he offered his hand in friendship as a guide to the perils of the mundane realm.

Elora is amused and delighted to take on the role of the lost sheep for Remme. She joyfully allows him to ramble on about local flora and fauna, teases him about her personal connection to the wild (in the form of the Archfey), laughs at his "dad jokes," and genuinely appreciates it when he tries (and usually fails) to show her how to care about other people. She picked the "Damn-ed" title herself, and gleefully introduces herself as such just to see the reaction it inspires.

Now that you’ve properly met we can get to the community-participation part: coming up with a name for the band! Post your ideas in the Comments, and we’ll run a poll for the next update.

Oh and to pre-empt an FAQ: why are we doing this? Because Pathfinder, D&D, Pokemon, and Magic have shown the wisdom of creating Iconic characters for a setting or product. Even BattleTech has the Locust, Marauder, Warhammer, Atlas, and Mad Cat (Timber Wolf). These are ours, chosen by the community and built by the resident Tinker with the lifelong passion for D&D (and no technical or artistic skills to contribute to development). We’ll be taking these folks on a bit of an adventure in future updates. Stay tuned!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall.

17 - PAX West Report
about 1 year ago – Mon, Sep 11, 2023 at 08:51:07 PM

Greetings Vaulters! Today’s update recounts TinkerHouse’s excursion to our home festival: PAX West. No action required.

TinkerHouse @ PAX West
The entire Vault of Mini Things team trekked to downtown Seattle for the biggest game festival on the West Coast: PAX West. Admittedly it wasn’t much of a trek, being just 30 minutes down the road for Lane, Mike, and Chris (or 3 hours up the coast from Portland for Marshall). :) TinkerHouse hadn’t been out to PAX since the pandemic and it was a genuine delight to return; “Welcome Home” indeed.

We set up in the newly-built Summit building. Tinker Mike was one of the founders of PAX and recalls when he and his pals moved PAX from Bellevue to Seattle in 2007, the Convention Bureau confidently told him that the expansion building would be built “within the next 2 years.” This prediction was repeated for almost two decades, but hey: better late than never! The new building was truly a marvel, with open modern architecture, green building techniques, a rooftop garden, and appreciated conveniences such as carpeted exhibition space on the second floor and those little water-bottle-filler stations like you see in airports.   

The TinkerHouse booth was ideally located directly through the main entrance to the Tabletop area and we had steady traffic all four days of the show. Most of our booth was dedicated to a display of our TinkerTurf Sci-Fi wargaming terrain. 

The battlefield setup was augmented by Tinker Chris’s LED-modded Grey Knight space marines. It was fun watching the glowy visors of his Knights literally turn the heads of attendees passing by.  

Sales of TinkerTurf were brisk, and that’s always a relief after the hard work of setting up and staffing a booth, but even better was the morale boost of seeing folks smile with joy upon seeing and handling TinkerTurf in person. "It's way sturdier than I thought it'd be!" "This stuff is perfect for Warhammer 40k!" "Oh wow, I don't have to paint it? Sold!" Next time, we'll bring a camera and film testimonials. 

As mentioned above, Marshall was in town for most of the show and it was a blast hanging out with him over the weekend. Believe it or not, PAX West 2023 was his first-ever convention and he took it like a champ, though apparently the bright show lights got the better of him:

Wait a minute... What’s that in the lower right? Enhance!

That’s right: the Vault of Mini Things made a surprise appearance at PAX! Chris mocked up a box proof-of-concept and Marshall brought up some of his home-made proofs. Lane made a point of clarifying that these are art samples, not production samples–the form-factors and print quality are not representative of what we’re making for retail–but nevertheless people lost their goddamn minds when they saw the standees and terrain pieces up close. We got a TON of late pledges from folks who missed the campaign and it was gratifying and energizing to see such a positive response to what we’re making. Huzzah!

That’s it for now. We’ll have another update real soon with art-in-progress and details on the outcome of the Battle of the Bands. And if you missed us at PAX West, we’ll be attending PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia this December. Badges are still available at !  

Requiescat in PAX,

Mike, Chris, Lane, Marshall

16 - Art Update, PAX West, and Battle of the Bands!
about 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 05:02:58 PM

Ahoy Vaulters! Today’s mid-month Update shares new art progress, invites y'all to say hi in person at PAX West, and presents the Vaulter community with a battle of the bands. No action required, unless you haven’t completed the Backer Survey. And if you haven't completed the survey--please do so! A link to it was sent to the email you used for your Backerkit account.

Marshall Art Showcase

Marshall’s got some fresh art to share. Behold two classic D&D tricksters, a versatile cart to maximize adventure efficiency, and tables to fill out the hometown tavern.

Battle of the Bands

The previous update proposed an old-school adventure setup to the community:

“You and your companions have arrived at the last village on the edge of civilization. Beyond is only rampant wilderness and the crumbled ruins of failed empire. Beyond is where the faded map promises fabulous adventure. Beyond is where you must go. Your group is:”

The overwhelming response to the party composition poll–to the tune of 79%--was “a diverse band.”

Alrighty then, let’s get specific. The new poll presents four galleries of heroes for your consideration. Choose your own adventurers! 

The link to the survey is attached to this Update. Looking forward to see which band rises to the top!

PAX West

The entire Vault of Mini Things team will be at PAX West this labor day weekend, Sept 1-4, in booth TT30. That's in the tabletop area on floor 2 of the new Summit facility in downtown Seattle. Fun fact: Tinker Mike was one of the original four founders of that show, 19 years ago. If you're attending PAX we'd love to see you, and you can tease Mike that the show is old enough to vote! 


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall