
The Vault of Mini Things - An RPG Encounter Toolkit

Created by TinkerHouse Games

The Vault of Mini Things is a comprehensive full-color minis and terrain solution for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Blades in the Dark, Five Leagues from the Borderlands, Frostgrave, and other fantasy tabletop games. The Vault of Mini Things contains vast wonders, but it’s much more than a simple box. It’s a thoughtfully designed organization system, sized for convenient storage and transport. *Note: Shipping will be charged later on — we will notify you when we've added shipping fees/before we charge you for shipping*

Latest Updates from Our Project:

15 - Post-campaign glory
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 01, 2023 at 02:15:56 PM

Hello Vaulters! Today’s update confirms hitting the final Community Achievement/stretch goal, shows some alternate art of last update’s creepy-crawlies, and prods the last few folks to complete the Survey. No action required unless you are among that small group.

Oh! This update also introduces the start of an experiment. Read all the way to the bottom for some context for the poll. :)

Final Achievement Unlocked!
Thanks to y’all’s efforts upping your pledges and promoting the late-pledge campaign to your communities, the campaign has raised an additional $27,000 in late pledges and thereby has surpassed the threshold for unlocking the final stretch goal! Huzzah! Everyone here is so excited that we scored 100% on the Achievement test. Well, except these fellas, who are destined to fall at the hands of brave adventurers across the world:

But for real: we at Tinkerhouse (and Printable Heroes!) are grateful for the Vaulter community’s enthusiasm and evangelism. We’ve never seen a late-pledge surge like this. Let’s keep the momentum going by continuing to link and post about the Vault in your online communities and The Socials. Onward!

Alternate art
Marshall wanted to show off some of the alternate art he’s created for the creepy critters showcased in the previous Update. Behold!

Speaking of alternate art, Sharon D asked about the Flaming Skull version of the Headless Horseman and whether that version of the Horseman will be included in the Vault. The answer to that question is: yes! And it brings up an important point, related to DessieD’s post about getting an update to the What’s In the Vault sheet: over the next few months we’ll be making numerous tweaks to the Vault’s contents. Tweaks like including this or that alternate art, or bumping up (or nudging down) quantities of particular minis. It’s a process influenced by constraints we discover as we go through the manufacturing process and by gut-checks as we review and integrate stretch goals into the retail Vault product. Updating the What’s In the Vault sheet in real-time would introduce an extra layer of churn and potential for error. That’s why our intention is to show the final Vault contents list only at the end of the process. When it’s really, truly final. :) 

Survey solicitation
90% of backers have completed the survey, which by our math means 10% have not. If you’ve responded: thank you! If you’re reading this and have not responded to the survey–or don’t know what that is–then please read the FAQ section and in touch at [email protected]

Something extra
We’ve included a poll question to this update. Something extra to the campaign; something a little different. If y’all are up for it, we’re curious to see where it goes…

Thank you as always for your ongoing support!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall

14 - Art works-in-progress, and Survey reminder
about 1 year ago – Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 02:13:21 PM

Hello Vaulters!

Survey update
Backerkit's handy Dashboard feature informs us that 87% of you have completed your Surveys. Huzzah! However, that means 13% have not completed this crucial step. If you are among those 127 backers, please check your spam filters & folders. And if you have any questions or concerns about the process or your pledge, you are welcome to get in touch at and we'll be happy to help.

Production update
We've all been busy at work getting the Vault ready for production. For the moment, much of that work is actually getting ready for getting ready: we're overhauling and improving our communication and task-management processes, and building tools for data management and validation. The intent is that by spending a bunch of time on such matters now we'll increase throughput, be generally more efficient, and reduce errors going forward. The rest of our time has been spent tidying up backend Backerkit bookkeeping and prepping the post-campaign "late pledge" marketing push.


But never fear: we do have some excitement for you in this update. Marshall has continued to instantiate amazing art from the top of his dome and we've got some tantalizing images to tease you. Behold these beautifully terrible creepy-crawlies!

That's all for now, Vaulters.

Oh! One more thing: we've determined that there's no functional reason to "close" access for late pledgers, so please continue to tell folks about the Vault of Mini Things whenever your in-person or on-line conversations wander down the path of "I want to have minis at my table, but they're so expensive to collect, cumbersome to store, and time-consuming to paint! If only there were a better solution!"

There is, imaginary & articulate lamenter. There is.

Until next time!

Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall

13 - Pledge Manager Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 06:48:58 PM

Hey Everyone,

We are going to start rolling out the pledge manager tomorrow morning. Some of you may be familiar with this, but BackerKit starts its' pledge manager rollout with what they call a smoke test. The smoke test is basically where they send the pledge manager out to just 5% of each segment–we have two segments–in order to make sure there aren't any issues. You will start seeing the pledge manager hit your email boxes tomorrow, and all of you should receive it before Friday of this week. If there are any issues we will post about them here to keep you informed. If you haven't received the pledge manager by Friday afternoon please reach out to support and we will figure it out and resolve any issues.

Thanks again!!

12 - Survey update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 03:16:41 PM

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that BackerKit offered us the ability to add a new feature to our pledge manager. They can roll out this feature for us that will effectively add all of your add-on items from the campaign to the pledge manager so you don't need to reselect them in your account. This would be awesome as back in the olden days of 2020–it feels like a decade ago–when we last managed a crowdfunding campaign, you would have pledged for an amount and then had to select the add-on once you got into the pledge manager. We wanted to check in with everyone before we went down this path as it will take a bit longer

Oh and spoiler alert, we are giving those of you that added the "Hardwood Dice Tray" or "Worldbuilder" four color options for the hardwood dice tray liner. So some of you may have to select options.

Note: All of you will be able to change or add to your add-ons even if we use this feature.

I created the poll below to see what you all want. I figure majority rule works for all, right?

11 - Sending surveys soon
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:13:06 AM

Hello backers of The Vault of Mini Things! Soon–early the week of June 26th–you’ll receive an email from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey. It’s essential to respond to your survey as quickly as possible since we need this information to fulfill your rewards. BackerKit calls this crucial step in the process a “survey” and while we will be asking you a couple questions the functional purpose is for you to enter shipping information and select the add-on items you pledged for. When you receive the email just click the survey link to respond. Consider this a heads-up and a request to whitelist emails from BackerKit so it doesn’t get lost to spam filters.

Due to the volatility of shipping prices globally right now, shipping fees for this project will be calculated and charged at a later date once we have the best estimates for everyone. We plan to enter & charge backers for shipping a month or two before we start fulfillment. You will have the ability to change your address up until this point, but if you plan to move to a different country please notify us as soon as possible. We will send out an alert to backers before we lock in your address and charge the cards you’ve entered in your BackerKit survey!

At any time along this process you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under “Lost your survey?” on our BackerKit project page at

Thank you for your diligent attention to this procedural matter!

Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall