
The Vault of Mini Things - An RPG Encounter Toolkit

Created by TinkerHouse Games

The Vault of Mini Things is a comprehensive full-color minis and terrain solution for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Blades in the Dark, Five Leagues from the Borderlands, Frostgrave, and other fantasy tabletop games. The Vault of Mini Things contains vast wonders, but it’s much more than a simple box. It’s a thoughtfully designed organization system, sized for convenient storage and transport. *Note: Shipping will be charged later on — we will notify you when we've added shipping fees/before we charge you for shipping*

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update 10: Congratulations! We did it!!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 07:01:58 PM

Feature: Closing of the Vault

We launched this campaign to fill a need in the tabletop game community: the need for good-looking & durable minis representing the wide variety of creature types you’d find in the Monster Manual, at quantities sufficient for typical encounters. Ideally, the minis would be quickly discoverable, easily portable, and conveniently storable. All at a per-mini cost vastly below that of anything else on the market. And full-color, of course, because we each only have a preciously-finite amount of time in this world. 

Also: a whole bunch of terrain in the same art style for those minis to explore.

Well, you sure demonstrated that need was real. As a direct result of the enthusiastic support of this community the campaign for The Vault of Mini Things gathered $169,650 in pledges from 967 backers. Huzzah!

Thanks to you, people around the world will be no longer have to overcome the obstacle of finding, assembling, basing, priming, painting, basing, and sealing the minis their games call for–often, minis that won't survive a single round of combat. With the Vault, hundreds of wondrous creatures–friends, foes, and fantastic beasts–will be at their literal fingertips.

How many creatures, exactly? A lot more than was originally proposed! Let's take a look at the total with all the Community Achievements you've earned:

That's a ridiculous amount of value packed into a box that can fit inside the cubby of an Ikea Kallax bookshelf. And to double-confirm: yes, the Vault has more than enough room for all those additional minis. With room to spare for all of the minis from every Pouch of Mini Things, should you choose to expand your menagerie with those Add-ons. 

Well done, everybody. Each of us should be proud of the part we've played to bring this game-changing toolkit to life. We did it!

Campaign: The Campaign has ended; Long Live the Campaign!

Though the crowdfunding campaign for The Vault of Mini Things has concluded, our work has only just begun! We here at TinkerHouse (and Marshall, up from Portland!) are gathering tonight to eat a juicy steak, drink some wine, play some games, and collapse into slumber. And then the very next day we continue the hard work of preparing each and every individual standee and terrain piece for production. And you'll hear all about it!

One of the reasons we chose the BackerKit platform for this campaign is its integrated suite of tools for pledge management and ongoing communication. You’ll use those tools to finalize your pledge, make any changes to your shipping address over time, and stay informed as we post updates about pre-production, manufacturing, and shipping. And of course the Discussion area is the means by which you can continue to engage with us and the community we’ve created together. 

Our journey will continue on BackerKit until the anticipated delivery window of Summer/Fall 2024. And it continues with one more task for you: 

Your very next step is filling out the Survey from BackerKit. The Survey is where you’ll confirm your pledge, buy add-ons, and enter shipping and payment information. You’ll find it in the inbox for the email associated with your BackerKit account, and you can also access it through your BackerKit account. We encourage you to complete this step as soon as possible, so that it doesn't get lost amidst the other tasks of your busy life. 

While you're going through the Survey I encourage you to consider jumping up to the Vaultstrider pledge level–the level with the custom nylon bag–so you can comfortably carry your Vault to wherever adventure may lead you. Because as a wise hobbit once said:

The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.


How can we possibly properly express our gratitude to this wonderful community for their support and enthusiasm? It is impossible for us to say. How about we instead listen? Let's hear from BackerKit's founder first:

maxwell salzberg says:
"Personally, I was thrilled to see all the excitement and ideas surrounding Vault of Mini Things , and especially your thoughts about how BackerKit was helping (or hindering)  the project's success."

Oh Max. Thank you for stopping by for a listen. We've really enjoyed working with your platform.

JulesVH says (after the Peculiar Pairs and Wrecking it with Rex goals knocked down):
"Wow, even the extra achievements unlocked. Congrats on this wonderful campaign. Great start and a nice push in the end!" 

That big surge at the end was a huge (and welcome) surprise. Much love to the community for increasing their pledges and spreading the word.

Sharon D says:
"This campaign has been a blast, soo much fun! Really looking forward to seeing all of these wonderful minis and terrain up close and personal next year. Thanks for an amazing campaign, MIke! And thank you to Marshall for your amazing talent, it's the most fantastic minis art I've ever seen! Cheers, everybody! 😊"

It was fun! We had some crucial and insightful advice from our friends at Greater Than Games on how to plan and structure this campaign, and that advice really helped reduce stress and give us room to adapt and engage with y'all. Crowdfunding can be scary and stressful but your positivity, enthusiasm, ideas, and support made this one a joy. Thank you! And while Sharon called out me and Marshall, let's also spread some love to Tinkers Lane and Chris! The behind-the-scenes work was tremendous, and you saw the fruits of Lane's labors in the 3d engine mines to artfully arrange those wonderful images, and Chris putting the entire campaign together and applying his design skills to make everything splendid and comprehensible.  

And that's a wrap! Be sure to keep an eye out for that Survey, stay tuned for additional updates on our ongoing labo(u)rs, and if you've got friends who missed out and want to back–we'll have Late Pledge functionality up for a limited time.

Again, thank you for the support. Everyone over here believes the Vault will give Advantage on all DM checks, and with your help we’re bringing it forth!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall.

Update 9: Final (twenty) Four!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 06:09:12 PM

The Vault of Mini Things has entered the last 24 hours of the campaign! We’re scheduled to conclude this crowdfunding effort Friday, June 16, at 7pm Pacific Time. The response from the tabletop community has knocked down every stretch goal we announced. As a result, the final count of content included inside the vault is tremendous. Take a look!

If we may say so: it’s pretty impressive that we can fit all those goodies inside one box the size of a board game, with all one thousand and eighteen minis findable in an instant via our Creature Catalog system. 

But did we say final count?

Not so! Since our amazing community of backers has smashed every stretch goal, we’ve added a few more to bring this campaign to a strong finish! See below for an assembly of Peculiar Pairs that will jazz up the Vault with even more personality and drama:

13: Release the Kraken! Community suggestion! Vote on BackerKit for your favorite color!
14: Tiefling Nobles. A bougie pair of fiendish-blooded 1% ers. 
15. Animals Down Under. “I certainly can wildshape into a kangaroo. Of course my Druid has seen one before!”
16. Undead Friends. The death of the party.
17. Baba Yaga do!
18. Wreck it Rex. Marshall was so excited to see if he could, that he didn’t think if he should.

These Achievements will be earned at $140,000 and every $2,000 thereafter, until the big T-Rex at $150k. So: with scant hours to go now is the time to back The Vault of Mini Things! And if you have backed, please keep sharing, posting, evangelizing, and encouraging others to join you! If you’ve already flooded your socials, consider some alternative means of boosting the campaign:

You’ve loyally followed your favorite channels and influencers for years–it’s time for them to give back by sharing the news about this cool project you discovered! Ask them to do so!

Have you talked to your Friendly Local Game store about ordering retail stock? Have them email us at [email protected] and we’ll count their order in the total! 

Know of a tabletop club at your local school or library? Order them a Vault!

Together, we can crush these stretch goals and add even more colorfrul characters to the Vault. Let’s goooo!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall

Update 8: A Bag for Holding
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 03:36:58 PM

Feature: Premium Bag pledge level

Well folks, this campaign is just about in the bag. Speaking of bags: these last few hours is the perfect time to contemplate upgrading your pledge to the Vaultstrider Level with the custom carrying case!

Our handsome bag will feature durable nylon fabric and metal zippers. The main chamber is padded and easily fits the Vault of Mini Things, an additional Tray of Terrain, and a couple of books or folios separated by additional padded dividers. It has a large exterior pouch for bits and bobs, another two pouches for a GM’s miscellany, and a beverage pouch on one side. It even has loops for carrying maps, or the standard for your army. This is a high-quality quality-of-life accessory that will make it that much easier to share the wonders of the Vault with faraway friends. 

While we don’t have any prototypes to show you, what we do have are are a few sketches of the Vaultstrider Level Carrying Case to give you a better idea of what to expect:


The Vault of Mini Things crowdfunding campaign officially closes June 16th at 7:00pm Pacific time. We've achieved so much together. Just look at those Achievements: we've reached 10 goals thanks to your efforts, adding nearly 300 new standees, props, and terrain pieces to the already-formidable Vault. Only three tantalizingly-close goals remain at the time of this writing:

Goal 8: Village People: 93/100 Facebook shares
Goal 10: Fiend Friends: 731/750 Backers
Goal 12: Heroic Hues: $122,185 / $130,000 pledged

These three goals have a simple relationship: if we get just 7 more shares on Facebook and hit the Village People goal, we can attract the 19 new backers for the Fiend Friends goal, which will put the campaign just a few dollars short of the Heroic Hues goal. 

So now is the time to go overboard with your overtures. Go forth and share on Facebook! Post on ENworld! Link from the comments of your favorite influencer's channel! Buy a round of mead at the local game store for anyone who will listen to your message! Crowdfunding campaigns succeed based on the efforts of the crowd, and you are a mighty crowd indeed! Together, we can achieve these last few goals and pack an astounding amount of value into the Vault.


Well this sure has been an interesting week! Backerkit came out with some exciting changes to its homepage that highlighted The Vault of Mini Things (yay!) but also re-configured the functionality of campaign pages such that Discussions, Achievements, and Updates are all consolidated under the "Community" tab. This was a surprise to us and has caused some consternation in our community (boo!) but we won't let it slow us down. 

Let's focus on the positive. DessieD says:
"The value is outstanding, the quality is amazing, and Marshall's Artwork is stunning!"

Thank you, DessieD!

Craig Shackleton asks:
"You know what would be amazing?

Supports the same height as the walls that could hold up map tiles for raised areas, rooves on buildings, and upper levels.

I particularly see this being useful for the town maps for rooftop chases and ambushes."

We couldn't agree more! Our TinkerTurf product line of sci-fi terrain often garners praise for bringing fun verticality to tactical miniatures wargaming scenarios. And we've got notions for a line of buildings and structures for the Fantasy genre, with art that perfectly integrates with and complements the terrain art in the Trays of Terrain and the Vault itself. Stand by for that--first, we've got to finish strong with the Vault!

Again, thank you for the support. Everyone over here believes the Vault will be a shrewd look for hungry Mimics, and with your help we can bring it forth!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall.

Update 7: Marshall Art
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 03:54:31 PM

Feature: Marshall Art

Hey Everyone!

I’m Marshall Short, the artist who did all of the miniatures, walls, props, map tiles, etc art for the Vault of Mini Things. I’m also the creator and artist behind Printable Heroes which is an online catalog of free print-ready paper miniatures and terrain that I’m constantly adding to thanks to the amazing support of my patrons through Patreon

The Vault of Mini Things is many things and (a big) one of them is a summation of the last 5+ years of my work, so the TinkerHouse team thought it might be fun to have me take the wheel on today’s update and write a bit about myself, my art process, and tease some of what I’m currently working on for the Vault of Mini Things. Little did they know that art isn’t just something I do, but rather something I do specifically to avoid doing other more difficult things like writing so let's see how long I can keep this car on the road XD

A Little About Me
I grew up in a tiny fishing village on a small island in southeast Alaska. My best friend got me into Dungeons and Dragons when we were kids and I’ve been drawing monsters and dragons ever since. I spent my teen and early adult years working on fishing boats and I’ve spent the rest of my life just being glad I’m not working on fishing boats. After college I worked for a game art production company (video game companies hired us to make their art for ‘em) leading a wonderful team of 2d artists that worked on everything from FarmVille and Hungry Shark to Halo and Borderlands.

Then in 2014 I picked up D&D again with the new 5th Edition, started making paper miniatures for my home game, and releasing them for free online as a fun side project. In 2015 I figuratively won the lottery when my son was born, and then shortly thereafter it felt like I’d won it again when in 2018 I was able to quit my day job and start drawing little paper people for TTRPG games full time. 


Art Process
I really strive to keep my art accessible. I want it to be detailed and mature enough where it can carry serious stories, but also vibrant and fun enough that it still feels appropriate when GMs/Players want to be more silly and/or play with their kids.

While I might work digitally I am constantly scribbling out ideas and I recommend to anyone who wants to create anything that they keep paper to scribble on nearby - it doesn’t have to make any sense to anyone else as long as it helps you clarify for yourself whatever it is you’re making!

The scribbling usually continues digitally, I’ll rough out an idea, draw over it, hone/refine it a bit with each pass - on a good day it only takes one pass, on a bad day I might refine and hone something nine times over before I’m comfortable to goto the Line Art phase. This process of iteration and refinement really highlights that just like Spider-man, anyone can be an artist, you can be an artist. Forget talent and embrace raw stubborn persistence.

Once I’m happy with the front view line art I’ll sketch out the back view over the top to ensure the silhouette lines up perfectly, then ink it. When I first started doing this it was a bit of a mind-breaker trying to mentally extrapolate out how a form/shape will look rotated front-to-back, but it’s amazing what humans can get used to. 

From here I move onto filling in the highlights and shading. To keep things simple (both for me creating them and visually on the tabletop) I work with 3 tone shading; the Base Color, a Shadow, and a Highlight. I’ll also tag on some rimlights to help the miniature pop against the black border.

I like to set up my files so all of the different elements are masked out with their own color fill so I can fairly efficiently go back and make lots of different color options.

Here’s a quick and dirty gif that highlights the process (rather than a sketch phase this example is starting from a very old Orc mini of mine that I was repurposing to work for a Hobgoblin Archer).

I use the same process on the Walls, Map tiles and Props which keeps everything visually consistent.

Work In Progress Previews
As we were putting together the Terrain Trays we knew we wanted to include some more thematic props that I just didn’t have time to design before the campaign went alive. Among them were some Spooky Trees and Coffin props for the Graveyard Terrain Tray.

In addition to trying to sneak a few more props in, I’m also working on the map tiles. We previewed it a bit with a previous Update but I wanted to take a moment to highlight it here since it’s something I’m really excited about.

Map Tile variations! With the map tiles being double sided we have a lot of real estate to play with. You always want to have a fair amount of more or less open map tiles as it doesn’t pigeon hole how they’re used; nice open grid of dungeon cobblestones - it could be a dungeon, could be a castle corridor, could be a noble’s expensive wine cellar! - however, since we have the space I’m really excited about including some more unique variations - especially in the themed Terrain Trays. Think crumbled pillars and cobweb covered rubble in the Ruins set, or dug up graves and broken crypts for the Graveyard set, or trambled earth clearings and forest ponds in the Wilderness set, etc. 

Here’s a couple examples of WIP tiles using the dungeon cobblestone texture as a base. The one on the left is more open with just a few small details of scattered debris, while the one on the right presents opportunities to effect gameplay - is the fallen pillar difficult terrain to traverse, does it provide partial cover, will it slow down the hulking ogre currently chasing the party?

Even something as simple as a sewer grate tile can add fun narrative and strategic options.

I just love this kind of stuff. There are just so many cool things you can add to a map tile to inspire creative gameplay and/or just add neat visual interest/variety.

I suppose that’s it for now, thanks everyone for your support with this project! I know it’s going to be an incredible resource for folks and I am really looking forward to continuing to build upon what we’ve started here.


Campaign: Community Achievements 11 & 12: Field Promotion & Heroic Hues

It’s the FINAL WEEK of the crowdfunding campaign for The Vault of Mini Things! Together, we’ve blown past our stretch goal and unlocked EIGHT Community Achievements! At the time of this writing, we’re tantalizingly close to stretch goal 8 (“Fiend Friends”, discussed in the previous update) and Stretch oal 11 (“Field Promotion”, discussed below). Huzzah!

But we need your help for the other Community Achievement introduced last week, “Village People.” This is a true Community Achievement in that it only unlocks by broadening the community of people who are aware of this campaign: it unlocks at 500 Facebook shares. Facebook may be lame, but it remains a very effective platform for sharing with friends and family. It’s often the first place people go when they wake up, and the last thing they look at before falling asleep. We need your help getting the campaign in front of more people via that little F button on the campaign main page.

500 shares is a lofty goal. But we can get there, together. As of the time of this writing we just hit 666 Backers. If every Backer shares once, we’ll hit this goal. But we can get these another way too: through your friends and family. Consider posting a little note with something like “hey fam, I backed this project and think it’s cool. And it can get even better if it’s shared on FB. So even if it’s not for you, you can help by clicking the F icon and sharing. Thank you!” If you’re a Dungeon Master, consider awarding Inspiration to the character of every player who shares the campaign. Your powers are vast! Use them to help the community hit that goal!

Speaking of community, let’s briefly talk about the final two Community Achievements. 

We call updated 11 “Field Promotion” because it makes your tabletop battlefields better. 20+ additional map tiles. 20+ additional props. More variety and flavor for you and your table to enjoy. This goal unlocks at $120,000. See below for a small glimpse!

Keeping with the theme of improvement; our final stretch goal “Heroic Hues” jazzes things up with over 20 alternate color schemes for heroes included within the Vault. This goal will unlock at $130,000. 


We made a long post Sunday with some clarifications inspired by community member DessieD, and we’ll repost that below to raise visibility. Click the link to see the original Discussion post.


@DessieD This is some amazing analysis and it has prompted us to provide some extra explanation of the products. As a crowdfunding effort we want to show you as much as possible to get the full sense of what we are doing, and sometimes that is difficult to do when our plans include artwork that is not 100% complete. 

For the terrain we planned on shipping the Vault with enough terrain for you to create some basic adventures in Dungeon, Wilderness, and Village. While the Trays are meant to provide more expansive terrain for more involved scenarios. The Terrain Trays will have some shared elements with the Vault, but will also include unique map tiles and wall art variations, and props not featured in the Vault to bring more options and excitement to your encounters. The sum of the two makes a better whole rather than just more of the same. Our intent here is to allow the Trays of Terrain to function as stand alone products as well.

The same goes for the Pouches of Mini Things! While there may be more bandits, guards, bards, etc… These additions will oftentimes include alternate color themes or different artwork to create greater variation. While you can certainly become a Printable Heroes Patron here ( to download and print variations of your own to add to the Vault (there is extra room in there to do that and/or include some other 2D minis) our intent is to provide a quality of 2D standee print that you couldn’t get from a home printer.

All this being said we have plans moving forward to release additional standees and terrain in these same formats to add depth and dimension to your roleplaying experience. So while we are not going to dissuade you from going the 2 Vaults direction, we wanted to make sure you understood that the add-ons were not simply more of the same.

Again, thank you for the support. Everyone over here believes the Vault will be a gateway to a world of pure imagination, and with your help we can bring it forth!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall.

Update 6: Welcome to The Grid
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 10:53:35 AM

Feature: Map Tiles 

It’s perfectly possible to use the included standees and vertical terrain included in the Vault of Mini Things on a bare tabletop or battlemat. Sometimes, though, your adventures call for encounters in more confined areas. For those encounters, we provide flat Map Tiles of various sizes in full-color textures for Wilderness, Dungeon, Village Cobblestone, and Wood Floor. These textures are designed to work well with the terrain pogs that fit into each standee base, making each mini naturally fit into the scene. 

The map tiles come in a multitude of square and rectilinear shapes, which enables you to quickly and clearly define rooms and connecting passageways. The Vault comes with 58 map tiles in all, including 10 special 2x2 illustrated ground effects for things like pit traps or carpets. 

Each map tile features a subtle 1 inch grid for easy positioning and compatibility with other terrain systems and battlemats–including the map tiles in our own Terrain of Tray add-ons--allowing for the construction of elaborate scenes.

Campaign: Community Achievement 10: Fiend Friends

The Fiend Friends achievement adds more of the lesser demons one tends to find in desecrated temples and cultist dive bars, and also introduces some of the heavy-hitters that such cultists tend to try to summon.

These demonic entities go by various names, some of which have scary Copyright implications, so let’s just call them “Huge Demon with Flaming Sword and Whip”, “Temptress Demon”, and “Demon with Way Too Many Arms”. On our honor, this fiendish stretch goal was planned way before we considered the synergy with this week's release of Diablo 4. So while we can’t guarantee that the Vault's fiends will explode with treasure if you tap on them, we can say that they’ll look fantastic on your table. 

We hit a big milestone this week: over 500 backers! To keep things going, the Fiend Friends Community Achievement will be unlocked when we hit 750 total backers for the campaign. And as a way to get there, we’ve configured the Village People achievement to unlock when we hit a total of 500 shares on Facebook. These two achievements work hand-in-hand, as the best way to hit that backer goal is for the community to click the little F icon on the front page of the campaign and share on Facebook. To continue our Diablo theme: think of it like the village gathering together to summon a fiendish horde. Charming!


JP asks:
Q: This concept seems extremely marketable longer term.  If production goes smoothly, do you have plans to produce extra and sell them for higher prices on some sort of storefront? Also, many of us arrived here as huge fans of printableheroes.  Is there any chance of new printablehero prints having variations to be cut that fit the provided mini bases?
A: We do intend to sell both the Vault as well as the Pouches and Trays via the TinkerHouse Games online store as well as through retail distribution. And we enjoy working with Marshall, and would love to issue new sets with his new art as time goes on.

Finally, this Discussion question was perfectly answered by community member DessieD!

Guilio asks:
Q: Hi, another good question i would ask is: The quality of the minis makes the durable? are the tough or are supposed to dissolve after 3-4 game session?
DessieD answered
A:  The cardstock used for these Standees is 350gsm, which (as mentioned above) is above average thickness and durability. They're like casino-quality playing cards, which are durable enough to be used (and shuffled - which these Standees won't be shuffled) for quite some time! I'd guess that with proper handling and care, these Standees can last for years!

Again, thank you for the support. Everyone over here believes the Vault will really tie the room together, and with your help we can bring it forth!


Mike, Lane, Chris, and Marshall.